simplify the complex in less than 90 days

In order to adapt quickly in today’s new “normal” environment, iBASEt introduced Fast Value – a program that helps industry leaders like you to accelerate your digital transformation. Instead of committing to a large and costly investment across the entire value chain, this program empowers you to start with a specific project that delivers quick value while validating your strategic direction.

Oh, and we can get you up and running in less than 90 days. Interested?

remove roadblocks to transformation


Fast Value is a turnkey Manufacturing Execution System (MES) that provides iBASEt customers with recognizable value in 90 days. Now you can validate the ROI of an MES solution while controlling upfront costs, an ideal approach to quickly complete a proof of concept.


Too often the intricacies of digitally transforming manufacturing operations results in prolonged discussion, analysis, and stalled initiatives. In a walk-before-you-run mindset, iBASEt’s Fast Value Program can get you started inside 90 days. Not one or two years.


The key to a successful MES adoption is taking the right steps at the right time. With the option to apply simple, reversable changes, Fast Value lets you minimize risk by starting quickly. Deploy this program alongside existing systems to achieve desired outcomes prior to full scale implementation.

what’s included

  • iBASEt MES & EQMS Environment

  • System Setup

  • Data Migration

  • 50 User Licenses

  • Post Go-Live Support

  • Role-based Training for Up to 10 Users

90 DAYS, No joke

If you’re ready to move, we’ll show you how. Our MES experts will work closely with you to define and deploy the right solution in 90 days.

1 week

Project Prep

3 weeks

Solution Definition

3 weeks

Data Migration & Creation

1 week


2 weeks

User Acceptance Testing

2 weeks



Sound too good to be true? Let’s talk about how we can make Fast Value a reality for your company.